No one can see your checkout history, including us. The Library sees only current checkouts and holds, as well as items that incurred fines.
However: you may choose to make items you add to shelves public or private.
My Shelves will be set to private for all new Bibliocommons accounts. Also note that any item you comment on, rate, tag, or summarize is automatically added to your Completed shelf.
To make items automatically private or public:
To check or change the privacy of individual items:
Choose your privacy level for each list when you publish them. You can also follow these steps if you've already published the list but want to change who can see it.
Note: If you leave your list as a Draft, it will not be visible to others. When you edit a list, your changes are auto-saved. If you close your browser or go to another page, the list remains a draft. You can also choose Finished Editing, select Only me and Publish. Either way, your list will be private to you.
Your Profile is a public page. Everyone can see:
If you don't add content like comments and Lists, it's unlikely that others will find your profile. But if you want to ensure more privacy and anonymity...
Note: You can also change your privacy for My Feeds by going to My APL: Privacy, checking the box for Mark your activity feed as private and selecting Save Changes.