How to Use the Catalog: Suggest Titles

Suggesting Titles for Purchase

We appreciate customer suggestions and try to purchase suggested titles to add to the Austin Public Library's collection. Please use the Suggest a Title form in your My Library Dashboard to alert the library's ordering team.

Keep in Mind

  • You need to have an Austin Public Library card and be registered in the catalog to make your suggestion(s). 
  • You can make four (4) suggestions each month. The clock will restart at midnight ET of the last day of the month. 
  • Selectors will review suggestions within three weeks. 
  • If we do purchase a title, you may place a hold on it when it appears in the catalog as "On Order."  A hold will not automatically be placed for you.

Interlibrary Loan

We can request print books through Interlibrary Loan from other library systems. Please Ask A Librarian to request an ILL item and see our full Interlibrary Loan Policy for additional information.

Other media, including CDs and DVDs, may be available through the Texas State Library and Archives Interlibrary Loan service.

How to Suggest Titles for Purchase

Follow the below steps to suggest titles for purchase.

  1. Log in to your My APL account.
    (Alternate access: select your username in the top right and click My Library Dashboard from the drop-down menu.)

    My APL account menu highlighting My Library Dashboard
  2. Click on + Submit a Suggestion (located under My Borrowing on the left).

Submit a Suggestion button from My APL account

  1. Enter the Title and Author, Performer, or Director and then click on the red Next button at the bottom of the screen. 

    Submit a Suggestion form, Step 1. Box 1 is for the Title, required. Box 2 is for the Author, Performer or Director, required.
  2. Select FormatAudience, Content, and Language. If you know the ISBN or have Notes about the item to share, enter those details as well. Click on the red Next button.

    Submit a Suggestion form, Step 2. Box 1 is for Format, required. Box 2 is for ISBN, optional. Box 3 is for Audience, required. Box 4 is for Content, required. Box 5 is for Language, required. Box 6 is for Notes, optional.
  3. You will see a summary of your suggestion. If the Library already owns it in the same format, you will have the option to Cancel or Submit Anyway.

    Submit a Suggestion form, Step 3. The example suggested eBook title, "The Widening Stain," appears as already owned by the library in eBook format, with buttons to Cancel the suggestion or Submit Anyway.

    If we don't own it, confirm your suggestion by clicking Submit.

    You will see a confirmation message pop up at the top right of your screen.
    Thank you for your suggestion. The library will review it, and you can monitor its status on your Library Dashboard.
  4. After a suggestion is reviewed, you will receive a notification in your My APL account letting you know the outcome. Notifications will not be sent via email.
    Sample suggestion status notification in My APL account
  5. If you’d like to monitor your suggestions, click on Suggested this Month to track them.

Suggested this Month button from My APL account

You will see the status of your suggestions on the right, with purchases showing as Under ReviewApproved, or Not Approved.

The Suggested Purchases status page shows that the book "Deep into the Dark" is Under Review. The suggestion "The Mitford Trial" has been Approved, with a note stating it will be ordered at a later date.

You can Cancel a request if a selector has not responded to it yet, and make a new suggestion. You can also Remove a reviewed suggestion, but you will not be able to make a new suggestion in its place (unless you have not yet used your monthly limit).