Teens: Adulthood

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Information for Teens Transitioning into Adulthood

The information below is intended to support teens' transitions into adulthood from a variety of home circumstances including those aging out of foster care or who are experiencing homelessness. More resources on supporting homeless teens can be found on the Texas Network of Youth Services, which has life skills guides and additional information for youth.  If you have a support need or question you don't see listed below, reach out to us and ask to speak with a Teen Librarian, and we can help you find the resources you need.

In Austin, you can call 2-1-1 for 24/7 support from social workers at United Way who can help you or a teen you know navigate resources.


Documents to gather (if possible) and keep safe:

  • Birth certificate

  • Social Security card

  • Personal state ID or driver’s license (plus a photocopy in case they are lost)

  • Immunization records

  • Any medical records, especially anything involving a previous assessment, evaluation, diagnosis, medication, names and contact information for any medical providers who write your prescriptions

  • Proof of enrollment in Medicaid, including a copy of the annual award letter (if possible)

  • HS diploma (when available) and any transcripts (if available)

  • Passport or any immigration documents (if available)

  • Any records of bank accounts (if applicable)

  • List of trusted contacts (friends, family members) and how to get in touch with them (important in case you lose use of your phone)

  • Voter Registration Card (if applicable - library staff can help you register to vote up to 2 months before your 18th birthday)

If you are having trouble getting vital documents, our library offers Enhanced Library Cards to people 18 and older. These are photo IDs accepted by various city departments, partner organizations, and service providers around town.

Medical & Psychological Support

Contact Integral Care. Start this ASAP because it can take a long time. Their transition age program supports youth ages 16-25, and can help with counseling, mental health and job support, case management and medicine.  512-472-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, from 8am to 5pm.


Tandem Teen

Prenatal and Parenting Support Program from People's Community Clinic

Teen Parent Support

Lists of local resources for teen parents from Jane's Due Process

Teen Parent Support Program for Foster Care Youth

SAFE provides support for teen parents in the foster care system or aging out of it

Community Support

Austin Public Library's Community Navigators

The Library has staff who can help unhoused teens or housing unstable teens navigate resources and options for a variety of situations from housing support, health/medical resources, basic needs, to legal assistance.

You can text them at 512-820-1648 or 737-247-9647 or Email the APL Community Navigation Team at APL.CommunityNav@austintexas.gov.

In-person assistance is available at the Central Library with drop-in hours from 10 AM - 4 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The office is located in Room 511 on the 5th floor.

Communities in Schools

Student Support Team and Coordinator can help with multiple concerns and support needs.

  • Eastside ECH: Xenia Estrada, 512-414-5810 xestrada@ciscentraltexas.org | Eastside Room # B309 on 3rd floor by the open space
ACC's Office for Student Accessibility Services

They work with dual credit students and may be able to provide you with support

AISD's Project HELP

Provides services to students who are housing insecure (including sleeping on friend's couches or staying in a motel or shelter)

Foster Care Support

Aging out of Foster Care 

The site looks dated but the information and resources are current and plentiful

Preparation for Adult Living

(Dept. of Family and Protective Services) - program to support youth transitioning out of foster care


Note: Emergency housing and/or shelter providers in Austin usually require a Coordinated Housing Assessment, which can be completed over the phone or in person at various service providers' locations Monday-Friday, typically during business hours (9 AM-5 PM). While people who are staying with friends, couchsurfing, or staying in hotels do not qualify for housing assessments, there may still be resources available to you through individual providers listed below--especially if you are a minor and/or the parent of a minor.

  • Find Housing - UnitedWay has a service to help you find housing. Visit the website, text your zip code to 85511, or call (833) 512-2289
  • Life Skills Toolkit from the Annie E. Casey Center for people first living on their own, everything from food and housekeeping to more complicated things like banking, jobs and school
  • Budget worksheet to help figure out how to afford housing and other basic needs:
  • To apply for housing assistance with the City of Austin
  • Youth Program from Caritas - rapid housing support through SAFE and LifeWorks partnership to house youth at risk of homelessness
  • Austin Clubhouse - a community based organization that helps people connect with resources across a wide variety of needs, including housing.
  • Central Texas Youth Services - Operates the Option House which is a 15-bed emergency shelter for children and youth ages 3-17. Crisis line: 800-421-8336 | Information line: 254-634-2085

  • Street Youth Ministry assists unhoused and housing insecure young adults 18-28 years old with accessing housing, clothing, meals, religious community, and other resources. Operate a 24/7 hotline: 512-553-3796. 

  • LifeWorks is a local group that works with youth under 18. Call them for an appointment at 512-735-2100 to learn about their housing, education, and counseling programs


  • Get Food Now (Map of locations from Central Texas Food Bank) - includes hours and types of food support offered
  • Rosewood Zaragosa Neighborhood Center (2800 Webberville Rd) offers an emergency food pantry, available by calling 512-972-6740 for curbside pickup.
  • ATX Free Fridge Project operates 24/7 food pantries and fridges in various locations around town including in Central East Austin (E. 2nd and E. 11th St.), West Campus (Pearl St.), Northwest Austin (Koenig Ln.), South (Dittmar/S. 1st St.), and Southeast (Ripple Run). Click here for a full map of free fridges with directions. 


  • Book a Teen Librarian: Request a 1-on-1 meeting with a teen librarian and we can help with resources, resumes, applications, interviewing and more
  • Goodwill Industries of Central Texas – 512.637.7181 – Goodwill is committed to providing services that help participants overcome identified barriers to education and employment.
  • LifeWorks  – 512.735.2400 – LifeWorks’ mission is to transition youth and families from crisis to safety and success. LifeWorks operates three multi-service centers in Austin and four sites dedicated to housing and serving homeless and runaway youth and youth exiting foster care (serves youth 18-26)


  • Garza Independence High School (AISD) provides young people with the opportunity to finish their diploma in a self-paced environment.
  • American YouthWorks  – 512.744.1918 – AYW is a non-profit Charter School located in downtown Austin that incorporates job training and job placement services as part of their educational and project-based enrichment programs.
  • Communities in Schools – 512.464.9723 – CIS enables young people to learn, stay in school, and prepare for a successful life by providing school-based services and links to community resources.

Emancipation of Minors

SEE: Texas Law Help's FAQ for Emancipation of Minors

Excerpt from Texas Family Code 31.001:

A Texas resident can pursue emancipation if they are:

  • Self-supporting and managing their own financial affairs; and

  • Seventeen years old

  • or at least 16 years old, and living separate and apart from the minor’s parents, managing conservator, or guardian.

Consider contacting the Texas Youth Hotline at 800-989-6884

Options for free legal support: Legal Aid Information Guide

More information on Emancipation from the Texas Law Library