Newspapers, Magazines and Journals: Find by Title

In This Guide

Enjoy newspapers and magazines in print at all of our locations. The Central Library has the largest print selection.

We also have thousands of online newspapers, magazines and journals that you can read anywhere through our databases with your active Austin Public Library card.




Find a Title in Print

Search the catalog

The catalog lists our newspapers, magazines and journals in print and on microfilm. Some online titles are also included, but for the most accurate results for online content, see below.

Find a Title Online

Search for an exact newspaper, magazine or journal by title to read it online (Library Card required).

  1. Go to the eJournal Finder.
  2. Enter the title and click Search, or use the drop-down menu for other search types.

    "New York Times" is entered in the search box next to "Title begins with."
  3. If we have it, the results will show the available years in each database. Click a database link that includes the year you want.

  4. If prompted, enter your Library Card number. From here, databases vary. You may go directly to the item and can search or browse by date, or you may need to enter the title again. Ask a Librarian for help and advice.

If you don't see a popular magazine, also check Overdrive/Libby The magazines in this collection are not included in the eJournal Finder.

See more detailed information about Overdrive magazines at the top of the Magazines Tab in this guide.