Zines: Vital SignZ: The APL Community Zine

What is Vital SignZ?

Welcome to Vital SignZ: The APL Community Zine. Vital SignZ is a collaborative zine made by and for users of the Austin Public Library. “Vital” because art is essential to life. “Signs” because we make art as signs of our existence and humanity. In short, art is both vital and a sign of life. The final capital Z stands for “zine.” It exists online and in print. Each issue offers a variety of thematic and general content. The lifeblood of Vital SignZ is the rich literary, visual, audio and cinematic artwork of our library’s creative community. Everyone is creative, and everyone is invited to bring Vital SignZ to life and keep it pulsing.

Join us for our next Zine Night on the 6th floor of the Central Library from 5:30 to 7 pm on Wednesday, 8/21/24.

Fast Facts

• Dedicated to our creative forebearers at Dallas Public Library’s DalLibZine.​​
• Aesthetic: lowercase catholic/ “Highlights for grownups”
• Motto: “We make art in order that we may not perish of the truth.”

Submission Guidelines

If you'd like to donate your creative work to Vital SignZ, please let us know at Ask a Librarian, drop it off at any APL location, or join us at Zine Night, and enjoy our Pollinator Pals zine for inspiration in the meantime.

Hot Off the Press

Visual Arts: Contributed by Cristina, Katrin, Josh and Vic