Sound and Audio: Podcasts & Radio

Podcast Networks & Directories

Online Resources

Austin Radio Stations

What are Podcasts?

Podcasts are episodic digital narratives akin to radio series or audio documentaries. Although podcasts are generally audio-based, the media vehicle varies from video to PDF. Unlike radio programs, which air at certain times on certain stations, podcasts are generally streamed or downloaded from the internet.

Etymology: pod from iPod and cast from broadcast

Library & Literary Podcasts

Local Podcasts

Podcasts of the Month

Looking for a new podcast? Try these featured Podcasts of the Month: Our Ancestors Were Messy, which “acquaints guests with the gossip, scandals, and pop culture that made headlines in Black newspapers across segregated communities in America” and Weight for It, which "unpacks the nuanced thoughts of fat folks, and of all folks who think about their weight all the time."