1. Visit the Austin Public Library website, library.austintexas.gov. Click the red "Log In/My APL" in the upper right hand corner of the page.
2. Select "Log In/Register"
3. Enter your Library card number as the username. Don't know your card number? Contact Customer Service at 512-974-7475 or email circ.link@austintexas.gov.
4. Enter your default password assigned to your school district. You may change your password at any time in "My Settings."
5. Log in using your library card number and password, then select a username. You're ready to use the Library!
Important things to know about your Student Library Card:
Welcome! Austin Public Library's Student Card Account is free and available to all Austin Independent School District students, including current cardholders, regardless of outstanding fines.
During online school registration, parents/guardians were given the opportunity to OPT IN for an Austin Public Library Student Account. This account opens the door to more than 2.1 million library items offered through Austin Public Library's 22 locations and digital library.
When an APL Student Account is created or renewed, our Customer Service Team will send the Account number and password via the guardian email address on file with AISD.
We do not generate physical cards for Student Accounts, however, you do not need a card to check out books or access digital resources. The Student Account number can be used at the express-check machines in our branches and used in combination with the Student Account password to access digital resources.
Student Account Numbers & Passwords
Most AISD Student Account numbers follow the format: AISD + 8-digit Student ID number (example: AISD10123456)
Some AISD Student Accounts still follow our old format: AISD + 7-digit number (NOT the Student ID Number)
Not sure which account number a student has? Need password assistance? Email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov or call our Customer Service Team at 512-974-7475
Your Austin ISD School Librarian may also be able help with Student Account numbers and passwords
For newly enrolled students: We will create new Student Accounts several times a year. Then, the Student Account number and password will be sent via the guardian email address on file with AISD. If a new student is in immediate need of an APL account, email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov
Welcome! Austin Public Library's Student Card Account is free and available to all Del Valle Independent School District students, including current cardholders, regardless of outstanding fines.
All Del Valle ISD students registered for the current school year will be registered for an Austin Public Library Student Account. Registrants must OPT OUT at the time of registration in order to not be registered for a Student Library Account. This account opens the door to more than 2.1 million library items offered through Austin Public Library's 22 locations and digital library.
When an APL Student Account is created or renewed, our Customer Service Team will send the APL Student Account number and password via the student and guardian email addresses on file with DVISD.
We do not generate physical cards for Student Accounts, however, you do not need a card to check out books or access digital resources. The Student Account number can be used at the express-check machines in our branches and used in combination with the Student Account password to access digital resources.
Student Account Numbers & Passwords
DVISD Student Account numbers follow the format: DVISD + 6-digit Student ID number (example: DVISD012345)
Having trouble with an account number? Need password assistance? Email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov or call our Customer Service Team at 512-974-7475
Your Del Valle ISD School Librarian may also be able help with Student Account numbers and passwords
For newly enrolled students: We will create new Student Card Accounts several times a year. Then, the Student Account number and password will be sent via the student and guardian email addresses on file with DVISD. If a new student is in immediate need of an APL account, email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov
Welcome! Austin Public Library's Student Card Account is free and available to all Austin Achieve students, including current cardholders, regardless of outstanding fines.
All Austin Achieve students registered for the current school year will be registered for an Austin Public Library Student Account. Registrants must OPT OUT at the time of registration in order to not be registered for a Student Library Account. This account opens the door to more than 2.1 million library items offered through Austin Public Library's 22 locations and digital library.
When an APL Student Account is created or renewed, our Customer Service Team will send the APL Student Account number and password via the student email address.
We do not generate physical cards for Student Accounts, however, you do not need a card to check out books or access digital resources. The Student Account number can be used at the express-check machines in our branches and used in combination with the Student Account password to access digital resources.
Student Account Numbers & Passwords
Austin Achieve Student Account numbers follow the format: AAPS + 6-digit Student ID number (example: AAPS001234)
Having trouble with an account number? Need password assistance? Email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov or call our Customer Service Team at 512-974-7475
For newly enrolled students: We will create new Student Accounts several times a year. Then, the Student Account number and password will be sent via the student email address. If a new student is in immediate need of an APL account, email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov
Manor ISD
Welcome! Austin Public Library's Student Card Account is free and available to all Manor Independent School District students, including current cardholders, regardless of outstanding fines.
All Manor ISD students registered for the current school year will be registered for an Austin Public Library Student Account. Registrants must OPT OUT at the time of registration in order to not be registered for a Student Library Account. This account opens the door to more than 2.1 million library items offered through Austin Public Library's 22 locations and digital library.
When an APL Student Account is created or renewed, our Customer Service Team will send the APL Student Account number and password via the student and guardian email addresses on file with MISD.
We do not generate physical cards for Student Accounts, however, you do not need a card to check out books or access digital resources. The Student Account number can be used at the express-check machines in our branches and used in combination with the Student Account password to access digital resources.
Student Account Numbers & Passwords
Manor ISD Student Account numbers follow the format: MISD + 6-digit Student ID number (example: MISD101234)
Having trouble with an account number? Need password assistance? Email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov or call our Customer Service Team at 512-974-7475
Your Manor ISD School Librarian may also be able help with Student Account Numbers and Passwords
For newly enrolled students: We will create new Student Accounts several times a year. Then, the Student Account number and password will be sent via the student and guardian email addresses on file with MISD. If a new student is in immediate need of an APL account, email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov
Austin Public Library has Student Library Account partnerships with several other school systems in the Austin area and are adding more all the time -- including:
For questions regarding the Student Accounts at these schools, or for inquiries into partnering your school with Austin Public Library, please email lib.studentcards@austintexas.gov
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