Legal Research: Texas Statutes, Regulations & Case Law

Primary Resources

State law governs such matters as contracts, criminal law, family law, wills, landlord-tenant relations and probate. The Texas legislature creates statutes when it passes laws. Once a bill is passed, it will be added to the statutory law. You can find Texas bills by the year they were passed. Once the law is made, it is administered by various state agencies.

Below are resources freely available online or in print at the Central Library. For more in-depth resources, visit a local law library.



Texas administrative agencies write regulations which individuals and organizations affected by the law must follow.

Case Law

Another source for legal information is from the court system. Courts create law when a judge issues an opinion. Most written opinions come from the appellate (appeal) courts.

The Austin Public Library does not offer case law resources but you can find relevant cases at the local resources listed below.